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Wie viel wiegen Wolken? Welche Schuhgröße hat die Freiheitsstatue? Und warum merken sich Frauen ihre Träume besser als Männer? Interessante und skurrile Fragen der Wissenschaft aus dem Heft „P.M. Fragen & Antworten“ für Sie als Quiz aufbereitet. Die App - für zuhause oder unterwegs!
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Über P.M.:
P.M. MAGAZIN, das führende Wissensmagazin von Gruner + Jahr, stellt sich seit 1978 den großen Zukunftsfragen unserer Zeit. Es zeigt, welche Trends Zukunft haben und wo die Ideen für die Welt von morgen entstehen und hat dabei den Mut, scheinbar feststehende Erkenntnisse zu hinterfragen.
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Apparently the script will be written on the basis of first-hand trapped by all miners. Some of the miners have already been a few interesting offers her release their release, and certainly each one of them would make a nice paycheck for this small, In the meantime, part of their lives enjoying be adapted for the big screen. I'm not sure how much is left of a story to tell, since all the major news agencies are certainly some features will come on the miners for weeks free P.M. Quiz App 1.0 torrent download . But there is this interesting story about one miners fear his rescue because his wife about an affair he had been having, so it is an interesting subplot to be found. For now, we will consider this a rumor, but we 'll let you know when something comes out of this news. In the meantime, we hope to continue all the miners, to make it safely to the surface after this terrible incident. Who cares?
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